Monday, August 2, 2010


Let me tell you something real.

I used to judge everyone, anyone who'd pass me really.
I would judge the people who loved me and the ones who envy me too.

I never really cared how they felt,
Never really wondered how my judgment impacted them.

I would just talk, what I felt was true.
Not knowing anything about their truth.

Until the first day I got judged.

I stood there and just listened.
Wasn't trying to listen to what they were saying, but I just listened.

And can I tell you?
Right at that moment, I just stood there.
Felt my heart and soul burst into rage and pain.

I felt so disrespected and so impaired.
For those simple 5 minutes, I was so damaged by what was said.

From that moment, I took back every single judgment I had ever made.
Just sat there and thought about.

My heart was sorry, and from that one moment in time.
I learned the biggest life lesson, the one I truly needed to learn.

"Don't do to others, what you wouldn't want done to yourself"

I mean I always heard it and repeatably would say "I know" ...
But now I do know, and I actually understand the meaning of that quote.

Never would I judge someone again.

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