Monday, August 2, 2010

She Feels Pain

Pain is something she feels.
It’s been apart of her life forever now.
Whenever she tries to let it go, it simply keeps holding on.

Pain is something is hard that suffering isn’t an option, it’s given.
It’s always something, the problem is letting go.
So when someone never lets go, it all just keeps on adding up, right?
And after that … you start going insane because you have so much on
You’re mind and nothing seems right anymore.

You forget what it is to be happy and everything seems bad;
Even if it was good at one point.
It starts to eat at you, and never stops until everything’s digested.

Growing with pain is a horrible thing because it takes a hold of you.
Things start to change, and you’re NEVER the same anymore.
First you’ll be blind to change, until someone close to you informs you.
It’ll come as a shock, but after knowledge hits it’ll all seem natural.

Pain is something she feels.
It’s been apart of her life forever now.
Whenever she tries to let it go, it simply keeps holding on.

- It’s one thing to suffer, But another to allow yourself to suffer.

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