Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Wrong, Alter-Ego

Nobody is ever who they really seem to be and maybe
That's because we're all caught up on being someone else.
We all start out in the world being normal souls and then
We start feeling like being normal just isn't good enough?

So we create this alter-ego of ourselves that we don't
Even know, but because we know the world will like this
Alter-ego 10 times better, we learn to become that person.

But would you rather live unhappily and have the world love you
Or be yourself and have the world hate you?

We all fear the things we can't be, but ever thought just being
You is good enough? It's hard to fight the things we're afraid of;
Sometimes we all just need a little help in doing so.

The alter-ego you create – can never be better than the person you already are.

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